About Us

800 Paxton Street
Harrisburg, PA 17104
(717) 480-5083

Sunday – Monday CLOSED
Tuesday – Saturday 10 am – 5 pm
We observe most federal holidays – please check our Instagram for updates

Donations Drop Off:
Sunday – Monday CLOSED
Tuesday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm
We observe most federal holidays – please check our Instagram for updates

About the Mission

No matter who we are or where we come from, we all deserve to have a decent life.

We deserve to feel strength and stability day after day. We deserve to know we have
the power to take care of ourselves and build our own futures.

At Habitat for Humanity, this is what unites  us.

Through shelter, we empower. Our shared vision is a world where everyone has a
decent place to live. Because you, me, we — we’re all humans. And every single one
of us deserves the opportunity for a better future.

The “everyone” approach gives Habitat the opportunity to make the need for and
benefits of affordable, decent and safe shelter relatable for all.

Habitat ReStores are independently owned and operated by your local Habitat for Humanity organization. They accept donated home furnishings and building materials to sell back to the public at a fraction of the retail price. Stop by our ReStore in Harrisburg to see what items we have for sale or contact us for details on donations and volunteering!

Habitat for Humanity's ReStores are treasure hunts where good finds fund good work. Experience the life cycle of a donated item. Learn more at http://www.habitat.org/restores, and visit http://magazine.habitat.org to go along on Habitat World's ReStore road trip.